The Live Scroll Making Competition Statute


The First:

In order to improve the artistic form and craftsmanship level of the scroll carving of the violin makers, the organizing committee of the the fifth China International Violin and Bow Competition will hold a technical exchange event for the "the live Scroll Making Competition" at Beijing’s Pinggu competition venue on May 15th 2024.

1.Contestants who are qualified for the Fifth China International Violin and Bow Making Competition are eligible to register for participation.

2.Due to limitation of venue, contestants participating in the live scroll making competition will be selected from the top 50 in the order of registration. The organizing committee will announce the list of contestants on the official website.

3.The judges of the scroll competition will be the judging panel of the fifth China International Violin Production Competition.


The Second: Registration

1.The registration deadline for participating in the live scroll competition is May 5th, 2024. All registration fee should be paid after submit of the application form.

2.Selected contestants of the live scroll making competition need to pay a registration fee of 500 RMB, which will be paid at the same time in the registration of the fifth China International Violin Production Competition.

3.Those who give up the competition after registration will not have their registration fee refunded.


The Third: Competition procedures

1.Time for the live scroll making competition is from 8:00 to 20:00 on May 15th. Contestants are allowed to schedule their own dining and rest time, but are prohibited to dine within the competition area.


2.Constants during their midway entry and exit of the competition/exhibition venue need to be verified of their badges. The scroll will be temporarily handed over to the management personnel for safekeeping during their time out.


3.After the competition, the organizing committee will organize judges to provide technical comments on the award-winning works.


The Fourth:rules

1. Scroll carving is only limited to Stradivari styles. Contestants must bring their own scroll blanks, which can be cut into spiral lines in advance, including hollow chord boxes and the drawn model line semi-finished products(See the attached).

2.The organizing committee will provide tables, chairs, and lamps for each contestant. Participants can bring with their own tools, including measuring tools, picture materials or plaster models as well as small pliers. During the competition, knives, chisels, saws, and files can be used, but sandpaper and scrapers are not allowed.

3.Ranking: 50 points for artistic impression and style, 50 points for technical quality and materials. 100 points in total.

The decision on the competition ranking and awards made by the judging committee is the final judgement and cannot be changed.


The Fifth:Awards for live violin scroll making competition

1.The First winner: 10000 RMB and award certificate.

2.The Second winner: 8000 RMB and award certificate.

3.The Third winner: 5000 RMB and award certificate

4. The winner shall provide their bank account to the organizing committee when the event ends. If any related taxes are incurred during bonus payment, the organizing committee shall withhold and pay.

5. The award-winning scroll will be retained by the organizing committee and will be displayed in the award exhibition of the Fifth China International Violin and Bow Making Competition.


The Six:

This Statute is based on Chinese version with foreign translation is for reference only. All rights are reserved by the Organizing Committee.